Welcome to Patron DnD, where Platinum-level patrons and I get together to play Dungeons & Dragons via Discord and Roll20. Patrons also get exclusive access to private videos, custom 5e content, and participate in monthly DM Roundtables.

This Patron DnD Campaign will feature a rotating cast of players, depending on signups, availability, and earned Platinum Points.

Music by Kevin MacLeod.
Token art by Jimmy McClure.
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Ten years ago, the Ghoul Imperium of the Underworld and the vampires of Morgau marched into Krakova and conquered the kingdom entirely, establishing the Greater Duchy of Morgau and expanding the borders of the Blood Kingdom.

The undead occupation has been kept in check by resistance from the Court-in-Exile, as well as opportunistic reaver dwarves who sailed across the Nieder Straits.

But the hidden machinations of the ghouls swirl beneath the surface. Rumors abound of an even more sinister plot that threatens not just one kingdom, but the entire world of Midgard.

Empire of the Ghouls is designed by Richard Green, and published by Kobold Press. It takes place in Kobold Press’ fantasy world of Midgard.

Chapter 3: The Blood Marriage
Episode 2: Reaver’s Cave

Active Party:
Bahn, level 6 kobold Bard College of Whispers
I/O, level 6 gearforged Circle of the Moon Druid
Kovac, level 6 ratfolk Dawn Blade Rogue
Lucian, level 6 dhampir Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Torben, level 6 bearfolk Ancestral Guardian Barbarian

Having absorbed a reaver dwarf cannibal’s memories and persona with Mantle of Whispers, Bahn works out a plan to infiltrate and divide the inner cave.

The plan works even better when Kovac locates the hidden entrance into the caves from the beach, leading directly to Skjorr Skullsplitter’s private quarters.

Bahn’s newly acquired memories reveal that Skjorr is the leader of this band of reavers. They’ve gone full cannibal, joining the ranks of the Creed of All Flesh in the hopes of one day transforming into ghouls and gaining immortality.

The dwarves ride giant boars, but Skjorr’s is special. This ghost boar has been given the first bite of flesh from every kill, and its fur has been painted with blood runes, giving it supernatural powers.

Bahn, disguised as a reaver, sees all this as he explores the small cave hideout. With the three on the beach slain, Reaver’s Cave holds two more dwarves, their giant boars, and Skjorr and his ghost boar.

Bahn requests help outside with the meat, and one of the other dwarves begrudgingly lopes onto the beach, only to be swiftly ambushed and killed by the waiting party.

Kovac joins the disguise-a-thon with the Masque Charm, and the two re-enter the cave with trays of freshly-hacked meat.

They feed the ghost boar before making their way into the mess hall room, and calling Skjorr.

As the war chief enters the room, Kovac knifes him with a critical hit, dealing an eye-popping 40+ damage, and stunning the big boss with a failed massive damage save!

The fight is on!

Bahn casts hypnotic pattern, locking down the two boars, but the other dwarf screams and charges, breaking his concentration. One of the boars would then charge and slam into Bahn, knocking the brave kobold unconscious.

Meanwhile Torben, I/O, and Lucian rush through the secret entrance, ambushing the ghost boar. Its frightening countenance doesn’t deter them, especially when Lucian twins haste on Torben and a bear-shifted I/O.

Cocaine bears!

Empire of the Ghouls chapter 3 chapter 2 reaver's cave

The hasted duo make quick work of the ethereal boar, then rush into the second room to help Bahn and Kovac.

I/O ends up stealing the kill versus Skjorr, who does literally nothing the entire fight, and Kovac rescues Bahn with a quick healing potion.

With the party reunited, they quickly put down the rest of the reavers. The plan worked really well, though once again Bahn puts himself in perilous danger and pays the price, wincing on an injured leg.

The party is rewarded with a substantial loot haul, including a magic sword and shield that bears an inscription belonging to Rangrid Ironeyes, a Huldra Shieldmaiden who had apparently been killed by the reavers.

The inscription tasks anyone who finds them to return the items to Huldramose.

They also find a message written in blood on human skin, sealed with wax bearing symbols of three dark gods. Fun stuff!

The symbols had been broken and the message read by the dwarves. It invites them to a “Blood Wedding” at a “Midnight Temple.” An unholy ceremony that will increase their power, and spread darkness throughout Midgard.

Jagoda’s fears have been confirmed. But the party don’t know anything about this Midnight Temple. Maybe the Huldra will?

Before they leave, they check out the main entrance in the back. There at the docks is a larger, nicer boat than the little dinghy they came in on. As I/O notices some runes carved below the water, the others hop on.

The waters churn angrily as a water elemental crashed onto the boat!

Torben and Kovac stand their ground against the churning water creature, and a dissonant whisper from Lucian makes it an easy target.

Their prize won, the party take the reaver ship back to the Osprey (where they quickly wave their hands in recognition!).

Captain Sigurd agrees to sail them northeast to Marsh Hollow, the closest port to Huldramose. From there it’s a two-day river ride up Shieldfall River.

The captain agrees to wait at Marsh Hollow for one week for their return. After that, he’ll drop in every two weeks to check on them, as a courtesy to Jagoda.

The party long rests in Marsh Hollow, a quiet peaceful village that’s accustomed to strangers yet enjoys the protection of Huldramose.

Halfway through their trip north, the river grows swampy and overgrown. They hear the sounds of roaring and battle, and double their rowing.

Through the dense canopy they spot another boat, and a pair of bearfolk dealing with a large hair claw dangling from a tree.

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